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There's still time to make this free Valentine's Amigurumi!

What would a 'Valentine' look like if it came to life? This is what we think it would be - tiny, adorable, and a super easy project to use up all that scrap yarn! You'll definitely be able to get it done in time for the 14th and surprise your loved ones with this unique little gift. Why not use one to decorate the top of a larger present, or add one hiding in a bunch of flowers for your nearest and dearest?

Make sure you tag us @craftyllamauk on Instagram or DM us for any crafting questions!

Valentine’s amigurumi pattern (US terms)

What I used

Scrap yarn

Amigurumi safety eyes




St/sts = stitch/stitches

ch = chain

sl-st = slip stitch

sc = single crochet

inc = crochet twice into the same stitch

dec = crochet two stitches together

dc = double crochet

Bottom of hat

  1. Magic ring of 6 sc

  2. inc in every stitch {12 sts}

  3. (sc, inc) x 6 {18 sts}

  4. sc, inc, (sc x 2, inc) x 6 {24 sts}

  5. (sc x 3, inc) x 6 {30 sts}

Top of hat

  1. Magic ring of 6 sc

  2. inc in every stitch {12 sts}

  3. (sc, inc) x 6 {18 sts}

  4. sc x 18, in the back loop of each stitch

  5. rows 5-8, sc x 18

Add a cardboard circle to the top of the hat to keep it flat. Stuff this piece and sew it to the bottom of the hat.


1. Magic ring of 6 sc

2. inc in every stitch {12 sts}

3. (sc, inc) x 6 {18 sts}

4. sc, inc, (sc x 2, inc) x 6 {24 sts}

5-8. sc x 24 {24 sts}

9. (sc x 6, dec) x 3 {21 sts}

10. (sc x 5, dec) x 3 {18 sts}

11. (sc x 4, dec) x 3 {15 sts}

12. (sc x 3, dec) x 3 {12 sts}

Stuff, add safety eyes, and sew to the brim of the hat.


  1. Ch 2 (the second chain is a turning chain. Include a turning chain for each row)

  2. inc {2 sts}

  3. inc x 2 {4 sts}

  4. dc, sl-st, sl-st, dc {4 sts}

Sew to body

Arms/legs (make 4)

  1. Ch 5

  2. sc x 4 {4 sts}

Sew arms to the body so that it looks like they are holding the heart. Fold the legs in half and sew to the bottom of the body.

Don't forget to tag us @craftyllamauk on Instagram or DM us for any crafting questions!

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