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An interview with @popsdemilk_crochet - Crafty Conversations Episode 1

When it comes to working at a small crafting company, there's nothing more enjoyable than making new connections in the online community, and taking inspiration from all of the incredible crafters out there. As such, we've decided to launch a new feature on the blog: Crafty Conversations!

We are going to be interviewing creators that we've been inspired by, and asking them who we should interview next. Stay tuned to discover a whole range of new people and talents, and find out what makes them tick.

We are kicking off our first-ever Crafty Conversations with the wonderful @popsdemilk_crochet, a multitalented crocheter who's a dab hand at amigurumi, bags, and more.

Who are you, and how can we find you on Social Media?

Hi, I’m Patricia and you can find me as Pops de Milk Crochet (@popsdemilk_crochet) on

What are your crafts?

I'm a crocheter 99% of the time. Sometimes I knit and dabble in a bit of embroidery and cross


How long have you been doing your craft, and how did you get started?

My mom tried teaching me to crochet when I was 12 but I didn’t like it. Then 15 years ago I

re-discovered crochet and fell absolutely in love with it. The project that made me realize

how amazing it is to finish a project was a patchwork blanket. I told myself I should make a

few more squares and that turned into more squares and before I knew it I had enough

squares to make a bedsized blanket! After finishing I thought, “what else can I make?”

What is your favourite project that you have made?

It’s tough to choose one project but I will go with an amigurumi doll of Vivian from Pretty

Woman. She was made with the base pattern from the book AmiguruMe by Allison Hoffman

and the details I made up as I went along:

What would your dream crafting space look like?

I think I would like to have a room with a floor to ceiling window overlooking either a

wooded area or an ocean. I’m inspired by nature and ocean creatures. My space would be

very cozy and it would be decorated with kitschy items and projects I’ve made over the years.

And lots of plants. Must have plants.

What would be your advice to people learning your craft for the first time?

Take it slow. It’s not a race to finish a project, just enjoy the motion as your hands make each


What is your most unpopular crafting opinion?

I don't believe that handmade items always have to be perfect. Imperfections can add

character and charm to a handmade piece, showcasing the human touch and the journey

behind its creation. Embracing these imperfections can make crafting even more enjoyable.

What would you make if you had unlimited time, energy, and materials?

Everything haha! I would like to make intricate crochet dresses, perhaps even gowns and

garments and accessories for cosplay.

What are you currently making, and what are your future crafting plans?

I’m in the process of designing a wall hanging inspired by the four elements and at the same

time I’m planning to make an autumn-inspired shrug.

Thank you so much to Patricia for being our first interviewee! If you'd like to be featured in one of our blogs make sure you get in contact - find us on Instagram @craftyllamauk.

Before you go... why not check out our range of crochet hooks and accessories on Dare to Create!

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